Event Reporting Tool
As the event industry grows, so does the demand for appropriate medical care at all types of endurance events and a common question asked by race and medical directors is, “What do I need in the way of medical support at my event?” To adequately address this and other similar questions, the road race industry needs substantive quantitative research to provide clear answers to support large and small scale athletic events.
By participating in our post-race questionnaire with hundreds of other events worldwide, you will be assisting our researchers with their efforts to make race comparisons based on field size, distances, type of course, time of year, weather, and injury rates. Your participation is vital to help make evidence-based conclusions and provide substantiated outcomes.
All events taking part in the questionnaire and their medical directors will be shown as study participants, unless you choose not to be listed.
Together, we can continue to promote the benefits of running and ensure the safety of our runners.
If you have questions regarding this study or the requested information, please contact us at info@massgatheringmedicine.org
Thank you for your participation!